AdamAdam Pulchinski
Adam is a sweet and loveable nerd residing in Minneapolis. But don't hold that against him.
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Our Favorite Marvin. And Snape. And Gruber. And Sheriff, too.
A few months ago I had decided I would buy the movie ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ on DVD. I hadn’t seen it for years, and only sort of liked it, but it was $5 at Target. Fast forward to Wednesday night of this week, and I finally had it in hand. I was
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Episode Four- A Nerd Hope
This is the fourth in a six part series celebrating the release of the latest Star Wars movie ‘The Force Awakens.’ After going through some awful stuff in the last entry, how about something uplifting and positive, albeit bittersweet? Sometimes life is a big old bag off shit. That’s actually the most congenial way
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Episode Three- Revenge of the Nerds
This is the third in a six part series leading up to the release of the latest Star Wars movie ‘The Force Awakens.’ And yes, I know the movie is already out and I’m way behind, but get off my back. This installment is where things get a little dark and dire in which nerd
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Episode Two- Attack of the Spoilers
This is the second in a six part series leading up to the release of the latest Star Wars movie ‘The Force Awakens.’ In this installment where I try to catch up to fit them all in before December 18 you get legal stuff, talk about Terminators, and I tell whiny fans to shut their
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Episode One- The Phantom Anticipation
This is the first in a six part series leading up to the release of the latest Star Wars movie ‘The Force Awakens.’ In this installment I get sappy, lament some bad movies, and try to grapple with lowering expectations… My first memory of the original ‘Star Wars’ is seeing it on the Disney
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AKA Super Good Show
Note: I wrote this after only viewing the first episode of Marvel’s Jessica Jones. Like a good nerd I have watched following episodes, but let’s go with this…enjoy. Fans of the Marvel Universe who have been clamoring for more depictions of darkness and grit in their entertainment as far as it appears in television and
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Fright Night at the Movies
Halloween is better than Christmas. Saying it right now. Nothing against the celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s birth, but the Day of the Dead is just more fun. The weather is way better, the decorations are awesome, and the movies based on Halloween blow most Christmas movies out of the water. I
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Size Matters
Of course everybody loves our Marvel heroes…Iron Man, The Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, etc. But to the mass movie going audience, even some of these now cinema staples were obscure comic book creations less than a decade ago. To a comic book nerd, the heroes that make up the cinematic Avengers are old
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Hasta La Vista Timeline
The biggest question for Terminator: Genisys was whether or not it would be more Judgement Day, and less Salvation. The difference between two films in the same franchise is more than just screenwriters and directors, and twenty years. I don’t know that I could trust anyone who says they’d rather watch T4 over T2. There’s
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Too bad I don’t get paid on half written reviews, otherwise I’d be rolling in dough from this site. It’s a good thing I don’t get paid for this, cause I’d more likely be fired for a bunch of half written reviews that never got submitted. So, got me thinking, why not wrassle me short
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It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad Max World
I’m going to make a confession that might sound a little crazy. I’ve never seen an entire Mad Max film. Ever. I’ve seen bits and pieces here and there, and I’m pretty well aware of it in pop culture, but I’ve never sat through the entirety of any of them. I know it’s young Mel
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Some Assembly Required
Third time seems to be the charm. That’s how many times I’ve seen Avengers: Age of Ultron (third time being in 3D). That’s also how many times it took me to really look past initial reactions to the movie from myself as well as outside sources. I wrote most of this after seeing it just
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Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Stop the mutha-luvin’ presses for a special freakin’ announcement! I’ve pre-empted my next post about bashing a little on DC Comics (something I like to do) with sucking the expletive deleted of Marvel Studios (which is something else I really like to do). On Tuesday, Oct 28 in the year of our Lord 2014, Marvel
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Gotham Recap S1E1- “Pilot”
A Batman show without Batman…yet. That could pretty much sum up the new show Gotham which started airing on the Fox network Mondays this week. Check your local listings. You know, for the bat-time and bat-channel. Ever since Smallville premiered on the WB (now the CW), fanboys were clamoring for a crossover with the caped
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Non-Demand – The Hobbitses: An Unexpected Desolation
It took me eight months to watch the second installment of The Hobbit film series. The movie, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, came out December 2013, and I finally watched it a couple of weeks ago on HBO. The reason it took so long is because I really didn’t like the first installment, The
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My Cup of Tea- Earl Grey, Hot
Let’s get one thing straight- “All Good Things” is the best series finale ever in the history of television. I know, I know-there’s MASH and Seinfeld and all that, but seriously, Star Trek: The Next Generation ended better than any other TV show could have or will. People might claim I’m biased because I’m a
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Something Old, Something New, Something Who
I’m going to get right into this because there’s plenty I want to accomplish. Basically kiddies we’re talking TV today. A television show that I watched for years has ended and I just recently tried to get on the bandwagon of another that’s been around forever. At the same time I’ve been trying to figure
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The Next Mutation
It’s not half bad. [The opinions of this blogger are not the opinions of Rhymes With Nerdy. Don’t kid yourselves, it’s wretched – Beth] But it’s nothing spectacular, either. Any other statement about the quality of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is either yanking your chain about how totally radical it is, or
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I Am Groot (And So Can You)
It’s easy for me to review this movie without talking about any of the plot, which is good because I wasn’t really thinking about writing a review until it was broadcast via the Facebook. I was actually just going to write something fawning all over Marvel and this crazy idea for a movie, and how
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This S#!T is Bananas
I was about 99% sure I was going to like the movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. And I was 100% correct about that. Just a few short years ago, when Rise of the Planet of the Apes was released, however, that number was much lower. The level of expectation was set at
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The Flight of Dragons
Out of all the many reasons I could recommend the movie How to Train Your Dragon 2, there is a single reason that made me happy sitting in the theater as I watched it- this is a movie with friggin’ dragons in it. Out of all the mythical creatures in cinema, especially with the Harry
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A Bot Mess
I’ve come to the realization that all of the Transformers movies have been running on the fumes of the nostalgia from my childhood. The movies and moments in the series that I like the most are the ones that closely mirror the cartoon from when I was a young kid, and those moments are getting
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Living on the Edge of Tomorrow
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- if Tom Cruise is crazy, how far behind him am I? Because no matter what he does (and really, he hasn’t done much in the way of crazy since the whole Katie Holmes thing), he picks some awesome projects, and I end up loving his flicks.
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All Quiet on the Western Laughs
One of the most difficult genres in movie making these days is the western. Back in the day, they were some of the most popular movies in the cinema with acting icons like John Wayne and Charlton Heston and Clint Eastwood kicking injun and outlaw ass and taking names. Somewhere along the way, the western
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All Hail The Queen
It’s a fad the last couple of years to take classic fairy tales and put a spin on them. What it boils down to is Hollywood asking how they can make money off of the same story again and again. You can only retell Snow White so many times before the idea to add mythological
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Plots of Future Past
X-Men: Days of Future Past landed in cinemas last week, and on the face of America, selling either a bunch of tickets to a lot of people, or a lot of tickets to a few people going again and again. The movie made major bank, cheese, dough, ching, whatever. Rotten Tomatoes and the people who
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It’s Raining X-Men
A little misnomer- I’m writing this before I see X-Men: Days of Future Past. There is the distinct possibility that my feelings on the movie, and the franchise as a whole, could be altered, erased, or some other thing between now and the time I see the flick. I doubt it, but we’ll see. First
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There and Back Again
Now THAT was some time off. I took two and a half days off from last week and it was more than what I thought it could be. I saw a movie (twice), went to my first comic con, got a friend hooked on the show Arrow, and made a few feline friends (though, to
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You can’t even imagine how excited I am for it to be a week from now. In the words of Darth Vader, “It will be a day long remembered.” Or days, plural, to be more exact. See, next week I’m taking one of those things called a day off (well, a day and a half),
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The Phantom Greatness: This is Bull-Sith Edition
Usually when celebrating a milestone it’s generally a positive thing. Anniversaries, birthdays, and other events are a joyous benchmark in time. There are exceptions, however, such as memorializing the death of a loved one. Or in our nerdy case this week, lamenting what could have been for a beloved franchise. I am talking of the
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The Merry Marvel Money-Making Society
I have a correction, and if what my girlfriend says about me admitting my mistakes is right then this is momentous indeed. Last week I said something about Captain America: The Winter Soldier being the first Marvel Studios sequel to not be denoted by a number. That was wrong, and I am stupid. Goodbye credibility…Anyway,
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Soldiering On
**Disclaimer** I wrote this earlier in the week, folks, before I knew I’d be seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier a whole day early. That’s right, I saw it Wednesday! Na-Na-Na-Naboo-Boo! Though, I left the following column alone as it was- a pre-viewing piece. Happily, I can say with great certainty that just about
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The Lovers, the Dreamers, and Moi
It’s very funny to me how so many things can converge coincidentally during one span of time, so much so that they prompt me to change the subject matter of these little ditties I write. This week is quite possibly the most serendipitous of all the instances thus far, and I couldn’t be more happy
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The Big Bang Sentiment Retraction
My TV universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly three or four years ago expansion started. Wait… My attitude began to cool, The girl made me drool, DVR and TBS became important tools, We watched ‘em all (oh, yes we did), Raj, Howard, Sheldon, Leonard, and of course Penny, All characters in the
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Model Behavior
Today is a very special episode of my column. It is an after school special of sorts, dealing with a serious topic. Mainly because I hadn’t thought of anything, and the following happened to hearken back to something I had thought about touching on in a previous column. The Minnesota-based company Target (who should have
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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Convention
Drum roll please! The event everyone has been waiting for, or at least that one guy who reads my stuff every week, is here! The super important thing I’ve been waiting to talk about for a couple of months, and have teased for a few weeks, and a subject I have thought about for years
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The Big Containment Unit in the Sky
Last week I teased a basically completed column about something I’ve been waiting to talk about for weeks. I know everyone is just itching to know what it is and I hope I’m not doing a Phantom Menace type buildup to it, but it’s gonna have to wait one more week. Maybe I’ll do a
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Talking Raccoons and the Tree People Who Love Them
Truth be told, there was another little ditty in the pipeline for this week. A whole other subject I’ve wanted to write about for weeks now, but circumstances have postponed that tome for another week (hopefully that’s all, because when you see it you’ll see I’ve already waited quite some time for the chance to
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Secret Agent Plan
I keep watching. I’m there every week. The previews look good, and I get a little excited. The interest is piqued enough that when the show is over, it’s enough of a fall that I’m almost disappointed. And it hurts me to say that because I really want to like, no love, this show. I
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Bricks and Mordor
If you haven’t seen at least one commercial featuring a Lego Batman cracking wise to any number of other Lego characters, you either live under a rock or do something else with your free time other than watch television (damn you, productive people, damn you to hell!). However, if you are like most Americans, nerds,
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Super Bowl Ultra Mega Awesomely Spectacular Special Edition
I’m celebrating an important milestone with the Rhymes With Nerdy page- 3 and a half weeks! Woo-hoo! Celebrate, good times, c’mon! I’ve written four little ditties for this page so far (three published, but I know you’re salivating for the next), and I’m using the Super Bowl as an excuse to write an Ultra Mega
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Serenity Now!
Truth be told it’s been a while since I’ve purchased a comic book. I think in the last few years I bought a hardcover collection of a Green Lantern run dealing with the Red Lanterns and their amok-running that caused the emerald corps of do-gooders much trouble. But beyond that I haven’t picked up a
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Men of Steal
Oh no! The “sequel” that I’m only sort of looking forward to, to the movie I only kind of liked, has been moved from 2015 to 2016! The second installment to DC Comics much ballyhooed Man of Steel, with that British dreamboat Henry Cavill as the latest actor to portray Superman, was all set for
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Channel Surfing
Somewhere over the course of the last two decades, the big-wigs behind the Sci-Fi Channel seemingly all but gave up on their mission to air or produce genre programs of high quality and a substantive caliber. Gone are the anime marathons that marked the end of summer and ushered in the new school year. Reruns
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