
Deliver The Profile Episode 318: Zero Worship (with Daniel Daughhetee)

Daniel Daughhetee takeover fortnight concludes with a look at “Hero Worship”, a bomb of a bombing episode that sees a man rescue a pregnant woman from sheer doom and then face a bombing of his own. Who is this man, and what does a dead troop living room shrine have to do with anything? All
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Deliver The Profile Episode 317: Reincarnation Celebration (with Daniel Daughhetee)

Daniel appears on DTP for the 8th (!) time as we discuss “Perennials”, a Season 8 episode of the show broadly about a guy killing people reborn into other people. Yes, reincarnation. How long before the BAU tracks down ghosts and goblins? Well, Ghost Whisperer’s Jennifer Love Hewitt DOES enter in Season 10…


Deliver The Profile Episode 316: Hotch Is Single Again, Ladies

In “Amelia Porter”, a bunch of dumb shit happens and the Criminal Minds crew loosely adapts the real life horrific crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Poorly, of course. More importantly, though, Hotch cut those strings loose and is now a swinging bachelor, ready to get down and fuck. All because Beth’s actress was
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