Ronnie and Jazz take a step towards the modern day with a Season 10 episode, “Burn”! (Or “Burned”, it doesn’t matter.) Garcia goes to Texas to see an execution and the gang finds themselves dealing with another unsub obsessed with Dante. Just what does Gavin Rossdale have on the crew of Criminal Minds? Otherwise, the
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Hello and welcome, this is This Seams Interesting. It’s a monthly column looking at weird, interesting, and overlooked people and events throughout history. November’s topic is… QUEEN ANNA NZINGA: The Humiliator of the Portuguese This has taken far, far, far too long but I am finally tackling African history. I’m sorry and formally
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Note: I wrote this after only viewing the first episode of Marvel’s Jessica Jones. Like a good nerd I have watched following episodes, but let’s go with this…enjoy. Fans of the Marvel Universe who have been clamoring for more depictions of darkness and grit in their entertainment as far as it appears in television and
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Much as I loathe to admit it, writer Brian Michael Bendis did a few things with his title Alias (now adapted on NetFlix, the one not starring Jennifer Garner) that reverberate today: one, he had Luke Cage shed his blaxploitation trappings in order to make the character more palatable for the 21st century (that of
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It’s hobo time as Ronnie and Jazz talk about Season 4’s “Catching Out”! They learn a lot about hobo culture, like what signs mean gullible cat ladies and which mean trouble. Also: J.J. is pregnant, and that continues to be her sole characteristic! Have you ever wanted to see Greg of Dharma and Greg fame
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