
The Merry Marvel Money-Making Society

I have a correction, and if what my girlfriend says about me admitting my mistakes is right then this is momentous indeed.  Last week I said something about Captain America: The Winter Soldier being the first Marvel Studios sequel to not be denoted by a number.  That was wrong, and I am stupid.  Goodbye credibility…Anyway,
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TV Binge: Hannibal

Over the past decade-and-a-half, television has seemingly entered a golden age. A number of shows have become critically adored, with new heights achieved in acting, writing, and directing. Despite this, I was able to remain almost completely oblivious to almost every critically acclaimed television show that has debuted since 1999, only hearing about how good
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Episode 28 – Captain America: The Winter Soldier!

Adam and Molly join me to talk about Captain America: The Winter Soldier, or as I like to call it “Chris Evans in Sweatpants.” Do we identify all of the Marvel Easter Eggs in the Movie? What does the end credits scene mean for Age of Ultron? Just how gross IS Tom Cruise? Listen and
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Soldiering On

  **Disclaimer** I wrote this earlier in the week, folks, before I knew I’d be seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier a whole day early.  That’s right, I saw it Wednesday!  Na-Na-Na-Naboo-Boo! Though, I left the following column alone as it was- a pre-viewing piece.  Happily, I can say with great certainty that just about
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