This is the fourth in a six part series celebrating the release of the latest Star Wars movie ‘The Force Awakens.’ After going through some awful stuff in the last entry, how about something uplifting and positive, albeit bittersweet? Sometimes life is a big old bag off shit. That’s actually the most congenial way
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Welcome to Season 2 of Law & Ordocki! If you’re wondering why this particular moment sparked the return of this feature to Rhymes With Nerdy, you have no one to thank but Fred Thompson. When news of his death at age 73 from lymphoma disseminated, I won’t lie: my first thought was “how can I
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This is the third in a six part series leading up to the release of the latest Star Wars movie ‘The Force Awakens.’ And yes, I know the movie is already out and I’m way behind, but get off my back. This installment is where things get a little dark and dire in which nerd
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Part 1 of the Greatest Clip Show Podcast on the Internet. Relive such hits as “Wikipedia Kip,” “Hollymonster” and “Conservative Bigfoot.” Join Kip, Skinner, and Producer Beth as they begin to bid farewell to 2015 by playing the hits that no one asked for.
People become roadkill in “Roadkill”, a Season 4 episode of Criminal Minds that passes off a stuntman as an actor and a Johnny Thunder song as a harbinger of death and destruction. To amuses themselves during this otherwise boilerplate episode, Ronnie and Jazz talk Nicholas Brendon, talk TO Nicholas Brendon, discuss Pakistan’s liquor laws and
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