
Episode 44 – Outlander!

A little background for those of you who don’t know, the show is based on a book (or series of books) by Diana Galbadon, click here for more info. So the story centers around Claire Beauchamp Randall (Fraser) and begins just after WWII. She and her husband Frank Randall have spent the last 5 years
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Happy Emerald Anniversary, Twilight Zone!

“There is a television program, an elegant, enigmatic element of entertainment that engaged and ensnared the collective consciousness of American culture. That very program challenged, changed, and contorted culture considerably for decades afterwards. That program is, The Twilight Zone.”   Today at exactly 10:00pm will be the fifty-fifth anniversary of the aforementioned, The Twilight Zone.
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Axl and Eva Sitting in a Tree

Here it is, my last recap of the Almighty Johnsons Season 1. Will the Norse gods finally get their powers back? Will Axl and Eva get along? Will the mystery of who pays for Zeb and Axl’s rent finally be answered? Will Anders stop being a douche? Will Ty and Dawn’s romance blossom into full
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