
Batman v Superman, Why So Serious?

I really wanted to like Man of Steel when it was released in 2013.  I liked the look of it, the trailers were interesting, and I had enjoyed more of director Zack Snyder and writer David Goyer’s movies than I had disliked.  It was in a position to pick up the disappointed pieces left in
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Episode 58: The JAFFcast Volume 5 – Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star with Karen M. Cox

Season One of The JAFFcast comes to a close without our final guest, Karen M. Cox, IPPY award winning author of ‘Undeceived’ and ‘1932’. In this episode Karen and Beau discuss Heather Lynn Riguad’s ‘Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star’, the magic of modernizing a classic, and sex positivity. This episode is a little more mature in
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Deliver The Profile Episode 19: Barbados Slim

Ronnie and Jazz struggle through the worst episode yet, “Beyond Borders”, which exists solely to provide a basis for Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders! Why do the writers know as much about Barbados as this show’s hosts do? Why did Anna Gunn ever think this was a good idea? Do the Criminal Minds crew HAVE to
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