Were we ever so young? Step into our time machine to an episode recorded the day before election day and learn why you never have the SuperBowl champion t-shirts printed before the game.
This week Sammi and Beau stray slightly away from their formula to discuss 2013’s ‘Austenland,’ in which Jane Seymour embraces her inner Lady Catherine and JJ Field makes us all swoon. Make no mistake, this is a very silly movie that nevertheless is a very clever poke at fan culture (particularly to all the Austen “purists” out
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In an unfocused (to say the least) episode, Ronnie and Jazz mostly talk about sex but occasionally manage to discuss Season 7’s “A Family Affair”. The unsub is in a wheelchair, so he’s of course compared to our most well-known wheelchair celebrities. All this and more!
On this episode of the podcast, Ronnie and Jazz talk about Season 3’s “Tabula Rasa”, a yarn about a serial killer who suffers from amnesia. It also contains flashbacks to when Morgan wore a suit to work and Reid was a premature irritating genius. Much is discussed, from the inanity of brain fingerprinting to how
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Hello, and welcome back! In this episode, Sammi and Beau take you back to a magical time: 1997, when Windows 95 and Ska ruled alike, and the preeminent adaptation of Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ was born in ‘Clueless.’ This is one of three or four modernizations of Jane Austen’s work that really manages to successfully translate into
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