I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- if Tom Cruise is crazy, how far behind him am I? Because no matter what he does (and really, he hasn’t done much in the way of crazy since the whole Katie Holmes thing), he picks some awesome projects, and I end up loving his flicks.
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It’s a Monster Mash for Father’s Day at the podcast – our weirdest Flag Day episode yet! #footbig
One of the most difficult genres in movie making these days is the western. Back in the day, they were some of the most popular movies in the cinema with acting icons like John Wayne and Charlton Heston and Clint Eastwood kicking injun and outlaw ass and taking names. Somewhere along the way, the western
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The Day the Music Died = the Day America’s Innocence was lost. Big Bopper Conspiracies, riding motorbikes naked, and well…what more do you need than that?
Kip Reed everyone has curly hair and is a god damn model Jody Skinner Sayid from Lost had it coming Rhymes With Nerdy Podcast That guy is leaking Kool Aid Jody Skinner I haven’t seen gushing like that since xnxx Brian Skinner So many busts in this movie but nothing sexy Rhymes With Nerdy Podcast why is he wearing a
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