Just over a month ago, every other person on my Facebook feed started freaking out about the news that all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls were now available on Netflix Instant. I myself was pretty excited by this news, as I remembered watching the first couple of seasons and finding it quirky and charming, the
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Did You Know?: Ice-T delivers all of his dialogue in French and therefore the voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson must come in every week to dub scenes into English. Although it is neither Halloween nor All Saints Day (aka grandmadocki’s 100th birthday were she still alive), I wanted a seasonal installment of this franchise to
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RWN contributors Ronnie and Spencer join me for the first time to talk about our favorites in horror Literature, Movies and Television! And this one comes with a heavy discretion advisory…
There’s no surer sign that it’s going to be a bad movie than if Tom Arnold is billed. Maybe if b-roll accidentally catches him it could still be good, but when you’re intentionally asking him to perform, putting his name in the credits, plastering his fat face on the box, it’s fucked. Now, I’m sure
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Stop the mutha-luvin’ presses for a special freakin’ announcement! I’ve pre-empted my next post about bashing a little on DC Comics (something I like to do) with sucking the expletive deleted of Marvel Studios (which is something else I really like to do). On Tuesday, Oct 28 in the year of our Lord 2014, Marvel
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