Yes, I am working on the Season 2 premiere of Law & Ordocki. However, I thought that while you waited for that no doubt tome of sheer brilliance, you may want to witness a parody of the series by better satirists than I. In MAD Magazine #328, they ran the following parody that coincided with
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This week Ronnie and Jazz take on pick up artists and general creeps with Season 4’s “52 Pickup”. In Hotlanta, Georgia, some guy is disemboweling women and making them clean up the mess before they expire. Is he an OCD head? No, he’s another kind of monster, one that requires the FBI to team up
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Kip and Skinner reunite to talk about how parents have ruined Halloween, holidays, Furries, and more antics from Susan!
Happy Halloween, everybody! For the spookiest date of the year, Ronnie and Jazz take on one of the scariest things to ever grace television: Gavin Rossdale in Season 5’s “The Performer”! The BAU travels to Los Angeles, the Windy City itself, to stake out a vampire who may or may not have been in Bush.
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Surprised GamerGate hasn’t repurposed the poster to complain that women playing video games and stating Dead or Alive Xtreme Volleyball ‘N’ Fisting isn’t a paragon of feminism is shackling them, forcing them to hold onto their beloved controller for dear life. I’m a horror fan, and as a horror fan I recognize that the vast
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