Ronnie and Jazz take a break from Reid in Prison to do a random Season 8 episode that isn’t very good. Someone is abducting nannies, raping and burning them with cigarettes. There’s a survivor but she won’t help the BAU, so it’s up to them to badger her into cooperating. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.
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Timspotting returns! I don’t intend for this to be a regular thing, just something that crops up when happenings occur in the world of Tim Allen and his associated brands (Richard Karn, Buzz Lightyear, etc.). Well, there’s no bigger Timtality than the finale of Last Man Standing, his second sitcom and the photo negative of
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It’s not SVU, I’ll give it that much. I’ve long been on the record as thinking Special Victims Unit—currently in its 287th season—has been an unbearable slog. I wouldn’t watch it if I weren’t able to vent my spleen about its many faults in these articles. So you’d think I would be delighted by the
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Criminal Minds takes on the incel epidemic with “Alpha Male”. Someone is tossing acid in the faces of pretty people and it’s up to CBS’ pretty people to stop it. Meanwhile, Reid is still in jail and finds a new friend in Oz’s Augustus Hill, because Reid is the most credulous motherfucker on the planet.
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Deliver The Profile’s 2 month hiatus has ended…with a movie episode? Yes, Ronnie and Jazz are back to the movies, and what better choice than what amounts to a 93 minute Criminal Minds episode with slightly more gore? This of course refers to Spiral: From The Book of Saw, which contains no book of Saw
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