
Deliver The Profile Episode 163: Ashley Seaver Part III: Corazon

In “Corazon”, which is Spanish for some sort of spaceship, Reid has headaches, the team engages with Afro-Caribbean culture, and Seaver does little more than ask fairly obvious questions. Yep, sounds like a Criminal Minds all right. But this episode of Deliver The Profile is mainly concerned with who the Headless Horseman, what his deal
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Deliver The Profile Episode 162: Ashley Seaver Part II: 25 to Life

It’s another week of Seaver, but she doesn’t do much of anything in the episode. What a shocker. Instead it’s a Morgan showcase, in that he trusts an inmate (Kyle Secor) and is betrayed when the recently released kills a guy. What does this have to do with a business-ish man running for Congress? You’ll
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Deliver The Profile Episode 161: Ashley Seaver, Part 1

So begins yet another theme month or so with DTP’s foray into the Ashley Seaver episodes! How bad an actress is Rachel Nichols? How much do the hosts wish they were watching that one episode of X-Files? “What Happens At Home…” is about murders in a gated community. But it’s really a means with which
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