lettice 2

Famous Redheads Throughout History Vol. 3

Throughout history there have been thousands upon thousands of people that have changed the course of humanity. Some of them had red hair, here are a few of them. Lettice Knolleys, 1540 – 1634, British Noblewoman and Cousin of Elizabeth I   She was born to Sir Francis Knolleys and Lady Catherine Carey. Her mother
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Famous Redheads Throughout History Vol. 2

Redheads are a big part of history. They helped shape our modern world and have made strides in every field imaginable, ranging from artists to monarchs to just being an interesting person. Learn and enjoy the illustrious achievements and lives in redhead history. Some are very famous and others are relatively unknown. Learn and enjoy!
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Eliza i

Famous Redheads Throughout History Vol.1

Everyone loves history. Everyone loves Redheads. Here’s a combination of the two. Vol. 2 will happen at some point in the future. Rurik, 830-879, founder of the House of Rurik and basis for the name Roderick The specific details surrounding his life are vague. What is known however; is that he was a Varangian prince
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