
Episode 23 – Gishwhes!

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27% of Team Atreides reunites to talk about Misha Collins’ grand experiment, Gishwhes (aka Greatest Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen). WHAT THE WHAT is this all about you ask? One week. 150+ “items” to collect. Sleep becomes a distant memory as your creativity goes into hyperdrive. You become obsessed with things like Kale,
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Episode 15 – 2013 Year In Review!

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After a bout of bronchitis, the podcast (and the host) are back to discuss the best, worst, and most WTF moments in 2013 with a roundtable of prior and new co-hosts! We cover everything from Hiddleston’s Loki Surprise at San Diego ComicCon, why Hannibal gave us phrases like “meat wings” and “throat cello,” how Bryan
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Episode 9 – Sleepy Hollow!

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What was my life like before Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie? I can’t even remember. I don’t want to remember. Crystal returns to talk about believable onscreen relationships, fish-out-of-water stories done well, and the most criminal underuse of James Frain to date. Stay tuned for the announcement at the end of the show!    


Episode 4 – Supernatural!

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In this episode of Rhymes with Nerdy, Crystal and I talk about the past 8 seasons of Supernatural, how Fandom can influence canon, and why Jensen Ackles is always making us cry.           Further Nerd Education