One of the things you have to understand is I’m bad at my job. When Margot Kidder passed away, I thought to myself “I should honor her by making fun of the time she played the mother of a serial killer in Law & Order: SVU”. She died in May; it’s now January of the
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Criminal Minds is DEAD. D-E-A-D! After next season’s shortened Season 15 it will be banished to the land of wind and ghosts. Fittingly, Ronnie and Jazz break from format of “talk about a specific episode” to cover everything related to this bombshell, such as what prompted the final renewal, what we can expect from the
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2019 is off to a great start, by which we mean a start, with “House on Fire”, an episode that at least changes up the pace some. Instead of killing by knife or gun or increasingly improbable specialized Rube Goldberg device, the unsub starts fires, seals exits and has people burn to death. This one
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In what may be the dumbest episode of Criminal Minds we’ve yet covered, “A Thousand Words” is about a guy who calls in a suicide…his own! He turns out to be a serial killer with crappy full body tattoos that are key to solving the case. Dean Norris guest stars. The hosts feel the real
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Well, it finally happened: Aquaman has achieved something resembling legitimacy. The James Wan directed 2018 picture opened to warm reviews and excellent box office receipts and will certainly shape perception of the character for years to come. No longer will he be the orange shirted douchebag who talks to fish and is conspicuously useless among
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