Because Ronnie is lazy, it’s another Season 10 episode! This one, “X”, is the premiere, and so we are introduced to Jennifer Love Hewitt of Ghost Whisperer fame. Will she distinguish herself from her colleagues or just be absorbed into the blob of bad dialogue and stiff characterization? I think you know the answer already.
It’s evident that the behind the scenes of New Mutants is more fascinating than the film itself. How could it not be? Shot in 1993, New Mutants was delayed for a number of reasons–the Disney acquisition of FOX, the WTO protests, a goat ate one of the film reels, a desire to reshoot it into something ‘not
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Well, it’s the 22nd season of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and a lot has happened since the 21st ended. Approximately 463 black people were murdered by the police and a pandemic shut down the country, except the times and places it didn’t and people just got sick and died thanks to excessive amounts of freedom.
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“Scream”! Everybody “Scream”! That’s the episode the podcast is covering today, and it’s…[sigh]… about a guy who is trying to record the perfect scream. That’s not all: Jennifer Love Hewitt’s daughter/niece is meeting boys online, but more importantly JLH’s husband is played by GREG GRUNBERG. Greg Grunberg? Greg Grunberg. Okay, sure, whatever.
The election may be over (or is it?), but Deliver The Profile’s work has just begun. (In fact, there’s probably enough CM episodes left over for four more years of podcasting.) This week’s episode takes on “Rock Creek Park”, a political-ish episode about a congressman’s wife’s kidnapping. Throughout the endeavor we learn more of Reid’s
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