Drum roll please! The event everyone has been waiting for, or at least that one guy who reads my stuff every week, is here! The super important thing I’ve been waiting to talk about for a couple of months, and have teased for a few weeks, and a subject I have thought about for years
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MY LONG WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!! I’m joined by two very special co-hosts, Kip Reed and Skinner (just Skinner) to talk about Jack Crawford, Sweaty Will Graham, Bedelia Du Maurier’s incredible poise, and our thoughts & predictions for season 2. Also contains a real-life story about a sandwich so horrifying Bryan Fuller could actually incorporate
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Last week I teased a basically completed column about something I’ve been waiting to talk about for weeks. I know everyone is just itching to know what it is and I hope I’m not doing a Phantom Menace type buildup to it, but it’s gonna have to wait one more week. Maybe I’ll do a
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27% of Team Atreides reunites to talk about Misha Collins’ grand experiment, Gishwhes (aka Greatest Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen). WHAT THE WHAT is this all about you ask? One week. 150+ “items” to collect. Sleep becomes a distant memory as your creativity goes into hyperdrive. You become obsessed with things like Kale,
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Truth be told, there was another little ditty in the pipeline for this week. A whole other subject I’ve wanted to write about for weeks now, but circumstances have postponed that tome for another week (hopefully that’s all, because when you see it you’ll see I’ve already waited quite some time for the chance to
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