From Battletoads to Rocky and Bullwinkle, Painters Caps to the Political Monsters on Game Shows…this episode…well…I dunno…I think I just lost my train of thought. Introducing new probably not recurring Character Pat Zeitgeist!
(Dramatic Music) Last time on the Almighty Johnsons; Axl Johnson had a very special 21st birthday. He went from being a boy to a god…literally. He’s the avatar of Odin. Ty Johnson, the avatar of Hoor, the god of winter, is lonely. Ty hasn’t had much to do. Olaf Johnson, former Odin avatar also Axl’s
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Syfy channel is famous for a few things; original films, the Battlestar Galacica reboot, and reruns of other shows. Recently it started airing the New Zealand show, the Almighty Johnsons. I know I’m a little late on this, they started airing it in July. So I will cover two episodes at a time. Five seconds
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It’s easy for me to review this movie without talking about any of the plot, which is good because I wasn’t really thinking about writing a review until it was broadcast via the Facebook. I was actually just going to write something fawning all over Marvel and this crazy idea for a movie, and how
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Our most moving episode – Skinner moves around to join Club Fit and Kip moves away from The Sooner Nation. Plus tips on how to enter an Adult Video store and more.