The best 4 minutes of Valentines Talk you’ll hear on the internet this week, wrestling talk, and more of the advice you crave from Kip Reed, on the internet’s #1 Health & Lifestyle podcast on the internet.
Claude and Gg from the “Talking Cast?!?” podcast join me to talk about Jim Jarmusch’s gorgeous vampire love story “Only Lovers Left Alive” and Neil Jordan’s beautifully gloomy “Byzantium” in this bloody double-feature! Original episode art by Josh Hollis
Throughout history there have been thousands upon thousands of people that have changed the course of humanity. Some of them had red hair, here are a few of them. Lettice Knolleys, 1540 – 1634, British Noblewoman and Cousin of Elizabeth I She was born to Sir Francis Knolleys and Lady Catherine Carey. Her mother
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Well, now we know why Dewey Crowe had to die. He had to die so Choo-Choo, unofficially the Greatest Television Event of 2015, could live. The writers of Justified have excelled in creating characters that seem like Elmore Leonard could’ve created them, idiosyncratic criminals that are colorful and memorable without becoming ridiculous. Well, okay, Choo-Choo
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More wrestling talk and dead dad talk than you could possibly know you wanted. Plus all the health and lifestyle advice you could want from the internet’s #1 health and lifestyle podcast. See more of Josh Hollis’ artwork at