Halloween is better than Christmas. Saying it right now. Nothing against the celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s birth, but the Day of the Dead is just more fun. The weather is way better, the decorations are awesome, and the movies based on Halloween blow most Christmas movies out of the water. I
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Hello and welcome, this is This Seams Interesting. It’s a monthly column looking at weird, interesting, and overlooked people and events throughout history. October’s topic is… MONGOLIA UNDER BOGD KHAN: Two Revolutions for the Price of One When it comes to the Mongolian history, most people stop at the death of Genghis Khan
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Ronnie and Jazz discuss a Season 5 episode of Criminal Minds, “Parasite”, which shows the pitfalls of investing your money; the man or tapeworm you give your money to may be crazy. Along the way, they discuss Night Man, Goosebumps and why they care about their Jewish listenership but not their St. Louis Cardinals fan
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Andrew Schwartz of Talkin’ bout Turtle fame drops by to say DONKEH, and we get a fabulous intro from Jody!
Kip and Skinner step back to relive the hits of 1996, discuss the evils of Keurig machines while revolutionizing the gravy market. Oh and that loser Susan returns.