In “Amelia Porter”, a bunch of dumb shit happens and the Criminal Minds crew loosely adapts the real life horrific crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Poorly, of course. More importantly, though, Hotch cut those strings loose and is now a swinging bachelor, ready to get down and fuck. All because Beth’s actress was gonna be on Prodigal Son or something.
Deliver The Profile Episode 316: Hotch Is Single Again, Ladies
In “Amelia Porter”, a bunch of dumb shit happens and the Criminal Minds crew loosely adapts the real life horrific crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Poorly, of course. More importantly, though, Hotch cut those strings loose and is now a swinging bachelor, ready to get down and fuck. All because Beth’s actress was gonna be on Prodigal Son or something.
Ronnie Gardocki
Next ArticleDeliver The Profile Episode 317: Reincarnation Celebration (with Daniel Daughhetee)