What happens when Ronnie’s laptop stops working? Deliver The Profile goes on an unintentional hiatus. But now Ronnie and Jazz are back and Ronnie’s laptop is quiet as a church mouse. In their sights today is Season 3’s “Limelight”, which involves an electrician and bondage magazines as well as a guest appearance by a cast member of Rescue Me. But in all honesty, this episode is mostly tangents, from discussions about an insane Wisconsin state representative to Ronnie giving his reasons for why he hates Big Bad Beetleborgs.
Deliver The Profile Episode 14: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pornography
What happens when Ronnie’s laptop stops working? Deliver The Profile goes on an unintentional hiatus. But now Ronnie and Jazz are back and Ronnie’s laptop is quiet as a church mouse. In their sights today is Season 3’s “Limelight”, which involves an electrician and bondage magazines as well as a guest appearance by a cast member of Rescue Me. But in all honesty, this episode is mostly tangents, from discussions about an insane Wisconsin state representative to Ronnie giving his reasons for why he hates Big Bad Beetleborgs.
Also: A heartfelt tribute to David Bowie.
Ronnie Gardocki
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