
Deliver The Profile Episode 115: Spring Break! Part 1

Yes, this episode is fashionably late. That’s because Ronnie’s laptop died, he got it back, and then it promptly died again after a few days. But don’t let that get you down, because we’ve got a good one for you. It covers the Criminal Minds 1st season finale, “The Fisher King: Part 1″! Who is
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Deliver The Profile Episode 114: Sock Juice

It’s Jazz’s birthday! Well, it was, when we were recording this. As such, the top of the episode contains a review of the hosts’ field trip to see M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass. It sucked and yet was infinitely better than the podcast’s first foray into Season 12, a season so bad it made people miss
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Deliver The Profile Episode 112: The End…?

Criminal Minds is DEAD. D-E-A-D! After next season’s shortened Season 15 it will be banished to the land of wind and ghosts. Fittingly, Ronnie and Jazz break from format of “talk about a specific episode” to cover everything related to this bombshell, such as what prompted the final renewal, what we can expect from the
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