Jim Gaffigan Month rolls on as we shift shows to Criminal Intent, the program in which Vincent D’Onofrio devours scenery and Kathryn Erbe stands there and occasionally apologizes for her partner’s…well, fill in the fucking blank. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I never cottoned to Criminal Intent when it first aired, preferring the
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X-Files episodes can be divided into two categories: mytharc episodes, ones that advance the alien colonization plot; and monster of the week episodes, standalones that see Mulder and Scully deal with paranormal issues disconnected from the greys. I believe Chris Carter ripped off this set up from either Fringe or Supernatural. Since the mytharc eventually
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The team grapples with the most wily foe of all: the backdoor pilot, with Season 5’s “The Fight”! Why is Forest Whitaker so much better than everyone else? Does Constantine ever shut the fuck up about his sniper skills? Are Oakland’s millionaires San Francisco’s bums? All these questions and more are answered by Ronnie and
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What happens when Ronnie’s laptop stops working? Deliver The Profile goes on an unintentional hiatus. But now Ronnie and Jazz are back and Ronnie’s laptop is quiet as a church mouse. In their sights today is Season 3’s “Limelight”, which involves an electrician and bondage magazines as well as a guest appearance by a cast
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Like all right thinking people, I’m a fan of The X-Files. Yes, there were those two seasons where Mulder was replaced by some liquid metal NEW YAWK COP and there were supersoldiers and whale songs and who knows what the fuck Season 9 was trying to do, but I remember the good before the bad.
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