Well, folks, we’re entering the home stretch of Adventures in Bendisshitting’s Marvel coverage. This is the culmination of everything Bendis has been doing arguably since Secret War, so everything he did after Siege can be considered as him running up the score. LeBron after he won it with Cleveland, Tom Brady winning a Super Bowl
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Gay people. Corporations love their money, white women love stealing their culture that they in turn stole from black women, and people try to memory hole how homophobic culture was even 15 years ago. In comics, the queers have made significant strides in that same time span. No longer were comic book characters only pejoratively
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A little context before we head into the latest Adventure in Bendshitting, lest you end up confused. In between House of M (our last column) and Secret Invasion (this column), an event called Civil War happened. I’m not covering it because a) Bendis didn’t write it and b) contrary to the other events discussed in
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Wanda Maximoff is having a moment, isn’t she, folks? “That girl whose powers are poorly defined and who occasionally has an accent” is now starring on a Disney+ show, which for Elizabeth Olsen is a step up from starring in a Facebook Watch series. It’s difficult to believe that a decade or so ago the
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NOTE: I know I said next installment was House of M, but I forgot that chronologically Avengers Disassembled comes first in the greater tapestry of Bendis suckage. So next time will be House of M. Promise You kids may not know this, but the Avengers were not always the crown jewel of the Marvel Universe. They
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