“There is a television program, an elegant, enigmatic element of entertainment that engaged and ensnared the collective consciousness of American culture. That very program challenged, changed, and contorted culture considerably for decades afterwards. That program is, The Twilight Zone.” Today at exactly 10:00pm will be the fifty-fifth anniversary of the aforementioned, The Twilight Zone.
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Just to be clear, we’re talking about this: Not this: Which, despite their similarities and frequent use in the perpetuation of senseless violence, are two very different things. In general, when fans talk about canon, they’re talking about any official content related to a particular universe or franchise. In some cases, that just means
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At a party, a friend of mine who had been only casually involved in fandom turned to me and said, “Today, I was introduced to the concept of ‘shipping’.” I put a hand on her shoulder and replied, “You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.” If the word “shipping” makes you think of
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Drum roll please! The event everyone has been waiting for, or at least that one guy who reads my stuff every week, is here! The super important thing I’ve been waiting to talk about for a couple of months, and have teased for a few weeks, and a subject I have thought about for years
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There’s a card in Cards Against Humanity that says “Harry Potter erotica”, and every time I’ve seen that card played there’s inevitably someone in the group that says, “Wait. Is that a real thing?” To be fair, in a deck that includes things like “Pac Man uncontrollably guzzling cum”, it’s a reasonable question, but it
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