Kip, Skinner and Producer Beth talk caffeine water, pizza rolls, crowd sizes and punching Nazis. With special appearance by Owen!
Mwah! It’s the Valentine’s Day episode of Deliver The Profile and that means more women getting murdered for the sin of being women interested in sexual activity! We trek to the exotic location of Madison, Wisconsin to find low-risk women (not whores) dead from choking. Is it an unsub, a popular new “novel” or both?
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Sammi and Beau return to discuss Jane Austen Book Club, Hugh Dancy’s bicycle shorts all while lamenting the lack of modern ‘Persuasion’ adaptations in this episode of Excessively Diverted. Jane Austen Book Club was directed by Robin Swicord and Stars Kathy Baker, Hugh Dancy, Emily Blunt, Amy Brenneman, Maria Bello, Jimmy Smits, and Maggie Grace.
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Sammi and Beau are joined once more by Karolinn to discuss 2011’s ‘From Prada to Nada’ in what might be the silliest episode of Excessively Diverted to date. From Camilla Belle’s bristly law student to Wilder Valderrama’s bevy of tank tops, the greatest love and affection in this episode is reserved for the best inanimate character
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Those expecting a stellar episode may be disappointed because recording was derailed continually by Ronnie’s coughing. So much so the episode had to be stitched together from recording sessions that took place over two days. Be glad the episode is coherent as it is because it could’ve been a lot worse. The coughs could’ve stayed
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