Not a dream! Not a hallucination! Not an imaginary story! Ronnie and Jazz went to the cinema and wound up wasting hours of their lives on Power Rangers, from the same people who brought you Big Bad Beetleborgs and Ninja Turtles: The New Mutation! Why is this Power Rangers without Power Rangers? Where’s the fat
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Sammi and Beau are joined by two very special guests – Brian Skinner and Josh Hollis of The Predict-O-Cast! In this episode the fearsome four discuss adult men who can’t dress themselves, embarrassing singing, therapy horses, swiss cheese, limousines, and lotion. SO MUCH LOTION. What’s that smell? It’s fruit, flowers, and a whole lotta
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On this dark and stormy night (of recording), Deliver The Profile goes back to Season 3 to tackle “Identity”! It’s got a killer who blows himself up in the opening credits, a copycat, an obstinate group of Montanans and manifesto torture videos so shocking it gets Garcia to finally shut the fuck up for once.
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Kip, Skinner, and Producer Beth take part in Round Two of the Dooley PopTart Experiment and live-comment on the Oscars. We’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Suicide Squad on their Academy Award. Welcome to the Zeitgeist.
Sammi and Beau have some special guests to announce along with some housekeeping and call for listener feedback! If you haven’t liked us on Facebook you can find us here!