the sparks between us will (1)

Excessively Diverted Episode 11 – Scents and Sensibility

  Sammi and Beau are joined by two very special guests – Brian Skinner and Josh Hollis of The Predict-O-Cast! In this episode the fearsome four discuss adult men who can’t dress themselves, embarrassing singing, therapy horses, swiss cheese, limousines, and lotion. SO MUCH LOTION. What’s that smell? It’s fruit, flowers, and a whole lotta
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Deliver The Profile Episode 58: Dirtworld

On this dark and stormy night (of recording), Deliver The Profile goes back to Season 3 to tackle “Identity”! It’s got a killer who blows himself up in the opening credits, a copycat, an obstinate group of Montanans and manifesto torture videos so shocking it gets Garcia to finally shut the fuck up for once.
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