If you haven’t seen at least one commercial featuring a Lego Batman cracking wise to any number of other Lego characters, you either live under a rock or do something else with your free time other than watch television (damn you, productive people, damn you to hell!). However, if you are like most Americans, nerds,
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I’m celebrating an important milestone with the Rhymes With Nerdy page- 3 and a half weeks! Woo-hoo! Celebrate, good times, c’mon! I’ve written four little ditties for this page so far (three published, but I know you’re salivating for the next), and I’m using the Super Bowl as an excuse to write an Ultra Mega
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Beth: So what did you think? Sleep Goblin: These are my main take-aways: 1. Why couldn’t the artist draw Amy? 2. Even though the story itself was rather flat, I appreciated that all the characters really sounded like themselves. I could actually hear them all saying those things in their voices. 3. I am such
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As I said in the Sherlock episode, the new contest is simply this. It’s easy. Write a review of the show on iTunes, share the Podcast’s Facebook page with your friends…in short, do a little legwork. The winner (randomly selected) will win Seasons 1 & 2 of Sherlock on Blu-Ray! Don’t think this is a
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Fannibals! I have prepared a schedule for the Season 1 Hannibal Group ReWatch. The dates and times are as follows, please be aware of time zones, and that ALL Episodes will begin at 8:00 PM Central!