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Dystopian Futures: Now and Then Part 1

Everyone loves a good old-fashioned dystopian future. They are cool now so I decided to study this movie trope. More specifically I looked at the 1960s idea of a dystopian future compared with the modern film’s dystopian future. I watched the following films in preparation for this article. Three from the 1960s, The 10th Victim
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Law & Ordocki #11: Law & Order: SVU and the Case of Fuck It, I Don’t Even Know Anymore

Did You Know?: Dick Wolf hunts human beings for sport. Season 12 of Special Victims Unit is simultaneously its worst and best season. Worst because based on all objective measures of analyzing television entertainment it’s atrocious, shittily acted, preposterously plotted with a narrative attention span of a small dog that only intermittently remembers what the
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Episode 46 – The Hunger Games: Mockingjay!

Jessica and Molly join me to talk about Effie’s fabulous jumpsuits, Finnick, the Hemsworth-Shaped Cardboard Cutout Gale and how much we’re going to miss Phillip Seymour Hoffman. We also announce the winner of our Lost Groupwatch and plug my upcoming silent appearance on Andrew Schwartz’s podcast On Your Mark, Get Set, Review!