Why the fuck is the locus point of the culture war the movie Ghostbusters? That’s not rhetorical; I’d really like to know. For whatever reason, Ghostbusters: Answer the Call was a microcosm for the fight between liberal progress and reactionary forces. The movie’s quality was secondary to how it fit within a larger narrative that
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Ronnie: Welcome to yet another installment of Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie, your only Lois & Clark recap review article series with a title that parodies Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. What do we have on the docket for this one? Well, with “I’ve Got A Crush On You” both Lois
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Next week is the fifth year anniversary of the day I stopped drinking. I’ve chosen not to write about that part of my life because frankly I was never that comfortable with the self-reflection necessary to write about oneself. But I figure if I am ever going to do it it may as well be
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A little context before we head into the latest Adventure in Bendshitting, lest you end up confused. In between House of M (our last column) and Secret Invasion (this column), an event called Civil War happened. I’m not covering it because a) Bendis didn’t write it and b) contrary to the other events discussed in
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NOTE: I know I said next installment was House of M, but I forgot that chronologically Avengers Disassembled comes first in the greater tapestry of Bendis suckage. So next time will be House of M. Promise You kids may not know this, but the Avengers were not always the crown jewel of the Marvel Universe. They
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