In the inaugural episode of Deliver The Profile, the world’s only Criminal Minds podcast, Ronnie and Jazz take a look at Season 4’s “Paradise”, an episode of television that posits that you cannot trust motels in rural Nevada, or cast members of Star Trek: The Next Generation, or free breakfasts, or anything outside your comfort
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Gena Radcliffe from Tune in Tonight and The Horror Within joins me to discuss everything we missed while on hiatus, including Jon Stewart’s departure from The Daily Show, The newest seasons of Orphan Black and Penny Dreadful, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, It Follows, the oversaturation of Marvel movies, beef with Jurassic World and the glorious Mad Max: Fury Road.
Josh Hollis joins me to describe his first-timer’s experience going down the rabbit hole of Hannibal Binge-watching, the Network demise of The Best Show On Television, and what we hope to see in the second half of this final season.
[thanx to Josh Hollis for the header. He can be found wherever there is a repeat of NCIS, NCIS: LA and occasionally NCIS: NO.] Mad Men, a popular show for people whose job it is to write about Mad Men, is starting its final slate of episodes tonight. Don Draper got shitfaced for your
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Babies. Who are they? What are they? What they doing here? Are they a threat? For over a season of Justified, baby has been a spectre not unlike that of communism (as written by Karl Marx in his book Real Men Don’t Apologize). Raylan has progeny that apparently did not come out the womb wearing
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