The Problem with Jon Stewart invites a lot of easy jokes. “The Problem with Jon Stewart has a lot of problems”, “The Problem with Jon Stewart is Jon Stewart”, etc. Yet those tepid barely jokes you’ll see in the headlines of The Guardian are still funnier than anything in this show. Has anyone fallen from
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Chris: Oh hello, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in but please, have a seat. As it happens, you’re just in time for the latest instalment of Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie, the only series on the Internet brave enough to recap old episodes of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of
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Back to Beyond Borders as Ronnie and Jazz continue their month(s) of Boogeymen and Monsters. “Abominable” is about the team heading to Nepal to deal with a yeti attack. Or is it something more mundane? The answer will simultaneously amuse and enrage you.
Ronnie: Welcome to yet another installment of Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie, your only Lois & Clark recap review article series with a title that parodies Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. What do we have on the docket for this one? Well, with “I’ve Got A Crush On You” both Lois
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Things start out pretty boring in Greece in “Pankration” until Ronnie and Jazz realize something: the unsub is using a human dog with which to fight foreigners to the death. How easy is it to train one of those human dog? Just watch Unleashed or Danny the Dog, folks, for more information.