adminBeau North
Beau grew up in South Carolina but now calls Portland home. She can get by pretty much anywhere as long as she has her books, iPhone and Netflix.
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Excessively Diverted Episode 25 – Unleashing Mr. Darcy with Drunk Austen: BDSM or Dogs?
This week we are joined by BOTH of the amazing ladies of Drunk Austen to talk about Hallmark’s rather sanitized version of Teri Wilson’s book ‘Unleashing Mr. Darcy.’ We unravel a vast conspiracy of money laundering and sex dungeon in the D.C. private school system, but mostly because we were kind of bored and hangry.
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Excessively Diverted Episodes 20-24: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
In these episodes we break down the 2012 web series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, created by Hank Green and Bernie Su. Without a doubt this is both the most modern adaptation we’ve watched for the show, while somehow still being the most true-to-text. Extremely well written with solid performances and believable, real-life tension, we have to applaud
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Excessively Diverted Episode 19 – Death Comes to Pemberley
Sammi and Beau take a brief step back into the regency to watch the film adaptation of PD James’ Death Comes to Pemberley. A straightforward “Elizabeth Darcy Murder Mystery” was too much to hope for, and instead we get a dour miniseries with a convoluted plot and characters that don’t quite fit the Austen mold.
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Excessively Diverted Episode 18 – Before The Fall
AAAAAnnnnd Sammi and Beau are BACK just in time to celebrate #pridemonth to discuss the first-ever gay Pride & Prejudice (film) re-imagining, Before The Fall. The Good: First-time director Byrum Geisler does an excellent job outlining the division of class between the wealthy educated southern gents and their blue-collar counterparts. The setting felt incredibly real,
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 87
Kip and Skinner are back to talk Florida, Muggles, and Shredding while Producer Beth has some strong feelings about Fur Babies. Don’t forget to rate and review on iTunes, because we want to know exactly how much of your time we’re wasting.
Excessively Diverted Episode 12 – Bride and Prejudice with Drunk Austen!
Sammi and Beau are joined by the effervescent Robin of Drunk Austen to discuss the 2004 Bollywood Extravaganza “Bride and Prejudice.” With full dance routines, color wheels, horrible mothers, Sitar workout playlists, and all the Grand Canyon Canoodling you can handle! Bride and Prejudice was directed by Gurinder Chadha and Stars Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Martin
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Excessively Diverted Episode 11 – Scents and Sensibility
Sammi and Beau are joined by two very special guests – Brian Skinner and Josh Hollis of The Predict-O-Cast! In this episode the fearsome four discuss adult men who can’t dress themselves, embarrassing singing, therapy horses, swiss cheese, limousines, and lotion. SO MUCH LOTION. What’s that smell? It’s fruit, flowers, and a whole lotta
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 86
Kip, Skinner, and Producer Beth take part in Round Two of the Dooley PopTart Experiment and live-comment on the Oscars. We’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Suicide Squad on their Academy Award. Welcome to the Zeitgeist.
Excessively Diverted – Special Announcements
Sammi and Beau have some special guests to announce along with some housekeeping and call for listener feedback! If you haven’t liked us on Facebook you can find us here!
Excessively Diverted Episode 10 – Lost In Austen
Sammi and Beau get a little liberal with the cursing in this episode as they travel along with Amanda Price – all they way back to Longbourn. Join the ladies of Excessively Diverted as they discuss Modern ideas in a Georgian world, and why a life without Lizzy is one they’re just not interested in. Lost
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Excessively Diverted Episode 9 – Metropolitan
Sammi and Beau take on Mansfield Park in discussing Metropolitan, Whit Stillman’s clever tale of young Manhattan socialites in the early 1980’s. The whip-smart humor of the Sally Fowler Rat Pack hit our intellectual sweet spot and their rapid-fire dialogue evoked our love for both Jane Austen and Gilmore Girls. Stay tuned for the miraculous
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 85
Kip, Skinner and Producer Beth talk caffeine water, pizza rolls, crowd sizes and punching Nazis. With special appearance by Owen!
Excessively Diverted Episode 8 – Jane Austen Book Club
Sammi and Beau return to discuss Jane Austen Book Club, Hugh Dancy’s bicycle shorts all while lamenting the lack of modern ‘Persuasion’ adaptations in this episode of Excessively Diverted. Jane Austen Book Club was directed by Robin Swicord and Stars Kathy Baker, Hugh Dancy, Emily Blunt, Amy Brenneman, Maria Bello, Jimmy Smits, and Maggie Grace.
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Excessively Diverted Episode 7 – From Prada to Nada
Sammi and Beau are joined once more by Karolinn to discuss 2011’s ‘From Prada to Nada’ in what might be the silliest episode of Excessively Diverted to date. From Camilla Belle’s bristly law student to Wilder Valderrama’s bevy of tank tops, the greatest love and affection in this episode is reserved for the best inanimate character
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 84
Kip and Skinner talk Lovesac, high school yearbook quotes, and strawberry Oreos on Can We Just Be Friends, your #1 health and lifestyle podcast!
Excessively Diverted Episode 6 – Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Sammi and Beau are back to talk Zombies, Wickham, and period drama half-measures in this episode of Excessively Diverted. While this wasn’t close to the worst of the movies watched for the show, it was nowhere near a favorite. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was directed by Burr Steers and stars Lily James, Sam Riley, Bella Heathcote,
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 83
Our holiday episode is here just in time for Christmas…er….MLK Day! Enjoy as Kip and Skinner try to decide what is and isn’t 3rd Wave Ska.
Excessively Diverted Episode 5 – Bridget Jones’s Diary
This week Sammi and Beau get a reprieve in the form of the crackling onscreen chemistry between Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth in 2001’s ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary,’ a loose homage to Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ This week the only yelling is over how superhuman Colin Firth’s eye acting is and Hugh Grant’s questionable attributes,
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Excessively Diverted Episode 4 – Pride & Prejudice: A Latter-Day Comedy
In this episode, Sammi and Beau are joined by guest Karolinn to wonder why this movie was made, why any movies are made, what is the meaning of art, and why is that pool table inside a black void? Revisit 1995 by way of 2003 with us in ‘Pride & Prejudice: A Latter-Day Comedy,’ a retelling
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 82
Were we ever so young? Step into our time machine to an episode recorded the day before election day and learn why you never have the SuperBowl champion t-shirts printed before the game.
Excessively Diverted Episode 3 – Austenland
This week Sammi and Beau stray slightly away from their formula to discuss 2013’s ‘Austenland,’ in which Jane Seymour embraces her inner Lady Catherine and JJ Field makes us all swoon. Make no mistake, this is a very silly movie that nevertheless is a very clever poke at fan culture (particularly to all the Austen “purists” out
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Excessively Diverted Episode 2 – Clueless
Hello, and welcome back! In this episode, Sammi and Beau take you back to a magical time: 1997, when Windows 95 and Ska ruled alike, and the preeminent adaptation of Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ was born in ‘Clueless.’ This is one of three or four modernizations of Jane Austen’s work that really manages to successfully translate into
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Excessively Diverted Episode 1 – Material Girls
Hello, and welcome to our new podcast venture! In this show, Beau North and Sammi Campbell will be taking a look at modern film adaptations of Jane Austen novels to see how they translate into present-day pop culture. In a (mostly) judgement-free zone, Beau and Sammi will watch any modern adaptation, no matter the budget,
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 81
While Kip is moving, Beth and Skinner talk death flu, travel, Halloween, and the worst candy on earth.
Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2 – “Mamma Mia”
Welcome back to a slightly belated recap of Episode 2 of Supernatural’s 12th Season, Mamma Mia! As we’ll see that episode title refers to more than just Mary. THEN Amara rips Lucifer out of Castiel in a pretty hilarious CGI Effect. All the corpses have no eyes cause Luci keeps flashing them. Crowley tries to
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Supernatural Season 12 Episode 1 – “Keep Calm and Carry On”
The boys are back and so am I! Returned from foreign shores with a new book under my belt, I’m ready to get back to what I do best: watching television. But first, a word from the Department of Backstory. I’ve watched all 11 seasons of this show, sometimes faithfully, sometimes out of some feeling
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 79
Kip and Skinner’s Olympic Coverage reveals exactly how much of a monster the Hollymonster is, and we bid goodbye to a departed Steve.
Deliver the Profile – Episode 35 – There’s No Place Like Home
G.g. joins Ronnie to lend his Kansas-based expertise as they discuss Season 7 Episode 7: There’s No Place Like Home, aka Attack of the Killer Tornado.
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 78
Kip has a crappy week (but not a bad one). What’s the best of thumbs? Find out here!
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 77
The show celebrates what is left of America, Aussie-Style. Learn all about deviant toes and other dope facts, with your favorite guest Google master, Josh Hollis of joshhollis.com
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 76
Get up inside your blue tubes of liquid as we go to wolf court to open season 4 of CWJBF.
Political Bigfoot: The origin story
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 75
Kip, Skinner, and Producer Beth reunite to cover the intricacies of rats, puppies, creamsicles, and the Deep Blue Sea/LL Cool J Demographic
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 74
They boys are back from a long break to talk Dominoes, Beef Jerky, and Fancy Food Delivery Services. A surprisingly Oreo-Free Episode.
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 73
The 2 Man Gang is back together for one purpose – to kick ass and eat pop tarts. We’ll blow your mind like a Japanese EMT in a Walmart.
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 72
Kip holds down the fort with G.g. while Skinner is lost in the wilds of Florida. The boys swap EMT horror stories, talk Mother, Jugs & Speed and someone finally corrects Kip on his choice of pride flag.
Episode 58: The JAFFcast Volume 5 – Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star with Karen M. Cox
Season One of The JAFFcast comes to a close without our final guest, Karen M. Cox, IPPY award winning author of ‘Undeceived’ and ‘1932’. In this episode Karen and Beau discuss Heather Lynn Riguad’s ‘Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star’, the magic of modernizing a classic, and sex positivity. This episode is a little more mature in
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 71
Skinner withdrawals set in as Kip is joined by Lindsay and Danny for a very special episode of the cootiecast. Danny offers to Coyote us over to Canada in the event of a Trump presidency while Lindsay helps uncover the mystery behind the rise of Vape shops. Quick Disclaimer: CWJBF and Rhymes with Nerdy do
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Episode 57 – The JAFFcast Volume 4: Green Card with Jenetta James
This week Beau is joined by author of ‘Suddenly Mrs. Darcy’ and ‘The Elizabeth Papers’, Jenetta James. Beau and Jenetta step away from traditional JAFF retellings to look at an Austen-inspired modern romance, Elizabeth Adams’ ‘Green Card.’ They also discuss Austen’s lasting legacy and untraditional variations of Pride & Prejudice. Recommendations for this episode: A
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Episode 56 – You got Fiction in my Serial
Andrew Schwartz and Sammi Campbell join me for a discussion on the renewed interest in Serialized Fiction, specifically serialized fiction podcasts such as Limetown, The Black Tapes, The Message, TANIS, and more.
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 70 – Fuller House!
Sadly, this is NOT the pitch that Beth made to Netflix where she gets to be roommates with Bryan Fuller, but a bizarre sequel of questionable necessity. Beth and Skinner talk Kimmy Gibbler, how terrifying Uncle Joey is (both currently and in retrospect) and the uncomfortable removal of the 4th wall that nobody asked for.
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 69
Red Velvet, Blockbuster Video, and the truth about watermelon they don’t want you to know!
Episode 55 – The JAFFcast Volume 3: Haunting Mr. Darcy with Sammi Campbell
This week Beau and Sammi discuss KaraLynne Mackrory’s IPPY Award Winning book “Haunting Mr. Darcy: A Spirited Courtship” , Austen and Feminism, and Sammi gives the best JAFF elevator pitch we’ve ever heard. This week’s recommendations: A Will of Iron by Linda Beutler The Improvement of Her Mind by Ayden (available on the JAFF index – password
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Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 68
Superbowls, Poptarts, Kip and Skinner finally angle for that Oreo Sponsorship….
Episode 54 -The JAFFcast Volume 2: Suddenly Mrs. Darcy with Brooke West
Brooke West and Beau North discuss Jenetta James’ Debut Novel “Suddenly Mrs. Darcy” as well as third act pregnancies and other romance tropes. Fair warning, this one’s a little salty! Recommendations for the episode: The Madness of Mr. Darcy by Alexa Adams, A Noteworthy Courtship by Laura Sanchez
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 67
Poutine, Oreos, Poutine Oreos, and Fireplaces. Big Orange steps in for producer Beth for the week so if you don’t like it blame him.
Episode 54 – The JAFFcast Volume 1: The Unthinkable Triangle with Linda Beutler
Author Linda Beutler joins Beau North in the first of a five-part series on Jane Austen Fan Fiction, The Jaffcast. Linda and Beau discuss the latest release from Joana Starnes, The Unthinkable Triangle. They discuss the changing face of the Austenesque genre, emerging authors, and recommendations for your next Mr. Darcy fix.
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 66
Kip and Skinner reunite after a long absence to talk Balls, Porn, and booster packs for CWJBF: The Tabletop Experience
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 65 – Year End Clip Show Part 2
Kip and Producer Beth play more clips, field calls from members of our Facebook group, and take a moment to thank the people we do this for every week. Happy New Year!
Can We Just Be Friends? Episode 64 – Year End Clip Show Part 1
Part 1 of the Greatest Clip Show Podcast on the Internet. Relive such hits as “Wikipedia Kip,” “Hollymonster” and “Conservative Bigfoot.” Join Kip, Skinner, and Producer Beth as they begin to bid farewell to 2015 by playing the hits that no one asked for.