When I was nine years old, I had the first of what would be many cavities filled. I got to stay home from school that day, and spent most of my time crying in my room because my perfect dental record was now marred (oh, if only I’d known then). I remember my dad coming
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Adam and Molly join me to talk about Captain America: The Winter Soldier, or as I like to call it “Chris Evans in Sweatpants.” Do we identify all of the Marvel Easter Eggs in the Movie? What does the end credits scene mean for Age of Ultron? Just how gross IS Tom Cruise? Listen and
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Rhymes with Nerdy goes to the movies! How does the RoboCop remake stack up against the original? Is it cynical to call a the Lego movie a shameless ploy to increase toy sales, or is it really about imagination and creativity? One thing I know, I am never getting “Everything is Awesome” out of my
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