
Episode 23 – Gishwhes!

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27% of Team Atreides reunites to talk about Misha Collins’ grand experiment, Gishwhes (aka Greatest Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen). WHAT THE WHAT is this all about you ask? One week. 150+ “items” to collect. Sleep becomes a distant memory as your creativity goes into hyperdrive. You become obsessed with things like Kale, hot glue, and sock monkeys. There are hugs. There is charity. There is brotherhood. And there can only be one winner.

Some of our photo challenge entries:

Some of our video challenge entries:

Beau grew up in South Carolina but now calls Portland home. She can get by pretty much anywhere as long as she has her books, iPhone and Netflix.

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  1. Aw, I haven’t watched our recap video in a long time. *sniff* I was in such a rush I felt awful submitting it because I could have edited something much better but we made the deadline, by golly!
    This year, I’ll make my Mom help me get a bunch done!

  2. Monica

    I loved listening to all the behind the scenes things that we didn’t have time to share during the actual challenges! Great job again, team!

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