Chris: Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends, or doesn’t end for two more seasons anyway. It’s time again for Lois and Clark and Chris and Ronnie, the often imitated but never duplicated series dedicated to providing the finest Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman analysis 2022 has to offer.
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Ronnie: Chris lost the Season 3 premiere document so as punishment to him and also all of you, we’re doing Smallville this week. What is Smallville? I’m glad you asked. It’s the most successful Superman show ever in terms of longevity, and it’s also a show that transcended the teen drama of the WB and
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Ronnie: We’re back everybody, and as is customary for Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie between seasons of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman we’re going to be taking a look at a different adaptation of Superman. This time we’ve chosen Superboy, the Superman show you probably never heard of and never
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Chris: So, I watched the first two seasons of Smallville, which was at least two seasons too many. My recollection is that it’s few virtues (John Glover, the idea that Young Lex Luthor would spend large portions of his day trying to get Young Clark Kent laid, John Glover) were far outweighed by its many
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Ronnie: In our penultimate column of Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie for the second season of Lois & Clark, we’re faced with something that occurs rarely but still too often: the Jimmy spotlight episode. Chris and I are in agreement that while Landes’ portrayal wasn’t great, Season 1 Jimmy far outpaces Season 2
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