Chris: We get a lot of letters, here at Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie. We get a lot of letters, we get a lot of emails, we get phone calls, text messages, direct messages, video messages and Tiktoks. We get people coming up to us on the street, interrupting meals at restaurants, even
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Ronnie: Welcome back to Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie. I’m the last guy in that list of names and have I got a pair of episodes for you. In the first episode, Lois gets superpowers and runs afoul of Shelley Long. In another, Superman is faced with the downside of celebrity: being accused
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Here we go. Hey, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? By my count I have not added to the Law & Ordocki canon in over 12 months. The reason for this is simple: I pretty much stopped watching the franchise. SVU irritated me, Organized Crime bored me. I did watch all of Season 21 of
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Chris: Hello friends, it’s that time again. Time to go back to the magical year of 1995, one of the best years for American movies of the last fifty years, to talk about a mediocre television show. No, not Seinfeld, though I can see why you’d think that. Nope, it’s not Friends either. Something much
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Ronnie: Welcome back to Lois & Clark & Chris & Ronnie, what I figure must be the only weekly column that devotes upwards of 4000 words on a superhero show from 25 years ago. We’re well over the halfway point of the series Lois & Clark, so with it I think we have to recognize
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