With many thanks to the ladies of the Austenwatch 2015 group on Facebook! Beth: DAT BONNET Lee: HOOP SKIRTS GALORE Chrissy: Can I have some Hats with my Hats? Beth: hahaha why is there not a ladies carriage race in every version?!? Chrissy: right?!?! I would fall out at that speed. Beth: yesss quadrilles Lee: Pornstache alert Beth: he just
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Kip and Skinner go toe-to-toe with Tim Allen, Vanna White and the Babadook in this all-star episode of Can We Just Be Friends – The #1 Health & Lifestyle podcast on the internet!
Join THE BUFFALO as he makes Hot Drops on One Direction, Cloud City, Billyzane, Jr. and the fecal vaporizer they don’t want you to know about!
You know that movie where the average, normal guy, played by a handsome Hollywood hunk, meets an equally regular and relatable woman, played by a bodacious babe. Not that one, the one where they fall in love then fight then make up and get married. No, the one where the girl’s friends that aren’t so
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Serialized television needs to have a good ending that sticks the landing, as otherwise all people are going to talk about is how the ending was a bunch of stupid bullshit. No one’s going to talk about Dexter without bringing up him becoming a lumberjack; same thing with the strained and overt Christ metaphor at
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